Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Big Move....

I am excited to report that I have moved my blog to a more "inclusive" location. "Inclusive" because it does not require a degree in computer science or a commitment to spending hours on the internet every day. Here is what you do:
You go to http://blog.tashadepp.com/
Then, you notice that at the very right hand bottom of the page, there is a "FOLLOW" button. (If you are already a Wordpress user, you will find the "FOLLOW" button on top bar where it always is...)
Click on it and type in your email address in the pop-up window.
Yo u are done except for one simple remaining thing: you will receive an email from "Wordpress" and you must simply confirm that you want to follow my blog.

I really appreciate your patience with following these hopefully simple steps. You will not be required to "Join" anything" or sign up with any service. You will receive my blogposts in your email and to comment on the blog, all you have to do is click on "comment".

Please let me know if any of this is confusing or doesn't work for you.

Keep in mind that I had to engage my senior technical advisor of a son to forge this new path and make sure that all the previous posts came with me to the new location, not to mention, that the new posts will still appear as the front page of my website....he was very generous and kind to help me.

Lastly, I am already much happier with this new blog situation as I see mention of posts by other people that tie in with my post subjects. I feel as though I was blogging away in a dark closet by myself with literally only 2 people who could forge through the barriers to post comments now and then, and now I am out in the light of day and there is a potential sea of people who may share insight into the things I am concerned with in my posts....

Join me at http://blog.tashadepp.com/ to see what happens!

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